Tuesday 28 October 2014

Trick 10-fold Freebitcoin for Wifi Users

Trick 10-fold Freebitcoin for Wifi Users

JustAboutBitcoin - To get the bitcoin 10-fold using wifi, you will need some tools below.
Don't forget to save or bookmark this page, as it will be used as much as 10 times
Step 1 - Prepare a Bitcoin wallet, for those who do not have. Please create a first in https://blockchain.info
Step 2 - Create 10 Wallet Address in one account by logging in Blockchain account, select Receive Money menu and click New Address in the lower right corner. Then blockchain Waller will give one new address. Repeat until you have 10 Addres Wallet.
Step 3 - Download and Install software for change the IP browser. You can choose at cnet.com or here
Step 4 - Prepare 10 Browser for Windows (10-fold for the results). Perhaps only 6 if you only want the results of 6-fold. (One IP, One browser to one account Freebitcoin). Download ten Fastest Browser for Windows:
  1. Google Chrome - https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/
  2. Mozilla Firefox - https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
  3. Internet Explorer - http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/internet-explorer/download-ie
  4. Spark Browser - http://en.browser.baidu.com/
  5. Opera - http://www.opera.com/
  6. Safari - http://www.apple.com/safari/
  7. Torch Browser - http://www.torchbrowser.com/
  8. SeaMonkey - http://www.seamonkey-project.org/
  9. Maxthon - http://www.maxthon.com/
  10. Avant Browser - http://www.avantbrowser.com/
The essence of how it works is to create 10 accounts Freebitcoin (may be less or more) on a single computer. 10 This account can only be made in 10 different browsers, but in one computer.

How it works to get bitcoin 10-fold (Way below using Safe IP)
  1. Open one browser and Safe IP
  2. Replace IP with the click 2 times on the selected IP flag image.
  3. Sign up freebitcoin account, first here
  4. Complete the registration form using the first address Wallet, fill in the password, write captcha numbers and click Sign Up. (Email is Optional)
  5. Congratulations !!! The first account is already finished and ready to use :)
  6. Close the browser and Disconnect Safe IP
  7. Select another IP in Safe IP and open a second browser, open this page again to avoid BANNED.
  8. Sign Up here again, using second Wallet Address
  9. Repeat the above steps using the Different IP, browser and Wallet third address to the ten through this page to be safe from BANNED.
To avoid Banned, do not use the link referrals alone to make 9 the next account. Always use page / blog is to create 10 accounts Freebitcoin.
REMEMBER not to create an account with "LINK REFRRALS OWN" to not "banned"
Read - For those of you who use the modem


Blogger said...

YoBit lets you to claim FREE CRYPTO-COINS from over 100 unique crypto-currencies, you complete a captcha once and claim as much as coins you want from the available offers.

After you make about 20-30 claims, you complete the captcha and continue claiming.

You can click on claim as many times as 30 times per one captcha.

The coins will safe in your account, and you can convert them to Bitcoins or Dollars.

Blogger said...

BitKong Test your fearlessness and get bitcoins from the big bad monkey.

And most importantly, Claim bitcoins every 10 minutes from the faucet.

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